Deep Fried Chhana Roll - Chef Biplab

Deep Fried Chhana Roll


Chhana is the mother ingredients of Bangladeshi sweets. Bangladeshi scrambled sweet tasted cheese called chhana .

For chhana loving people I add some crispiness . We can call it,  sweet tasted spring roll .


06 spring roll skin

100g. chhana

30g. mixed nut crust

30g. raisin

Oil for deep fry

Method of Preparation

  • In a mixing bowl assemble chhana, mixed nut crust, raisin and mixed all together.
  • Place the spring roll skin on a flat surface. Near your body side of spring roll skin place 02tbsp of the mixture. Fold the skin from left and right both sides then continue rolling the skin from your side to another side, just like cigarette shape.
  • Heat the oil on 1600C to 1650C then deep fry the chhana roll for about 04-05 minuet.
  • After finish deep fry the roll enjoy it as a dessert

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