Shrimp with Coconut Milk / Chingrir Malay Curry- Chef Biplab

Shrimp with Coconut Milk

Prawn Malai Curry

Chingrir Malai Curry or Shrimp with Coconut Milk is very delicious .
Coco-nutty   creamy test and Shrimp’s flavor both are good combination


  • Shrimp / Prawn ——— ——————–200 g.
  • Coconut Milk———————————01 cup
  • Garlic Paste————————————-01 tsp
  • Ginger paste————————————-1/2 tsp
  • Medium Onion Sheared——————— 02 pcs
  • Bay Leaf—————————————-01 pcs
  • Dry Red Chili ———————————-02 Pcs
  • Mustard Oil————————————-01 tbsp
  • Cumin Powder———————————01 tsp
  • Cumin Seed————————————1/2 tsp
  • Green Chili————————————–02 pcs
  • Salt ———————————————- as  test

For marinate the prawn

  • Salt———————————————1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder —————————–1/3 tsp

Method of Cooking

  • Remove the Shell from Prawn except Head and Tail . Remove the black vain and clean well .
  • Marinate the prawn with salt and turmeric powder then keep it rest for 15 minuets .
  • In a medium heated pan put oil and fry the marinated prawn then keep a side .
  • Again, heat the oil on pan with medium high heat . Add the bay leaf, Dry Red chili, Whole Cumin  and stir well
  • After 01 min. add Onion, Garlic pest, Ginger paste and stir continue .
  • When Onion will become nut brown color add Green chili, Cumin powder, Turmeric powder ( optional), Salt and keep continue  to stir.
  • After come-out Oil from gravy add the Prawn and cook  Prawn for about 02-03 minuets  .
  • Add Coconut Milk and adjust the salt test .  Cook the Prawn more 05 min. then serve .
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